Thursday, June 12, 2008

BRODEQUIN: Methods of Execution

Produced by Mike Bailey

Released: 2004

If you thought I had it in for power metal, wait until I get started on so-called "brutal" death metal. There are a ton of bands cluttering the well-trodden paths left by Suffocation and Cannibal Corpse, but some of them can throw a decent song and a catchy riff together now and then. Brodequin not only can’t do this, they don’t seem to care. I couldn't believe how one-dimensional and abysmally awful this album was, and I have since come to the conclusion that the only reason Methods of Execution ever got released is because the guitarist owns the label.

Every single track on this album is dedicated to a different form of cruelty, from the gallows to the griddle to disembowelment, but by far the worst and cruellest is the album itself. Brodequin is not only obsessed with methods of torture and execution, but with the idea of brutality for brutality's sake. Methods of Execution is nothing more than the endless repetition of the same mindless grinding without the slightest thought for variation of any sort, and the production is terribly, terribly bad, like the worst demo you've ever heard, but worse!

The album gets a few points for the lyrics. Well-written and morbidly interesting, they are also totally incomprehensible, vomited by such a ludicrously monotonous gurgle that makes you wonder why they even bothered. This is a very bad album.

  1. Slaves to the Pyre
  2. The Gridiron
  3. The Red Theatre
  4. Pressing to Plead
  5. Tyburn Field
  6. Durance Vile
  7. Lingering Existence
  8. Cast Into Torment
  9. Verdrinken
  10. Punishment Without Mercy
  11. Method of Execution

Rating: 5%

NOTE: This review appears on Metal-Archives in a slightly different form under another one of my aliases. Of course, everyone else who reviewed it gave it 90% for "brutality" alone which just goes to show that you can play the same stupid riff for 40 minutes, record it under a wet blanket, and at least four other people will be as happy about it as you are.

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