Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ROCKSTEADY: ...To the Rescue!

Released: 2009

Rocksteady is a heavy rock combo from Bendigo who have apparently been carving out a good name for themselves in that area of late. If “...To the Rescue!” is any indicator of what these guys are like live, then I imagine a show full of ridiculous rock poses and antics as if they were the best band of all time!

To call this metal is truly a bit of a stretch but anyone who loves the guitar-driven party rock of bands like Poison and Van Halen could seriously get into this. Rocksteady keep it simple: catchy rock tunes about rock n’ roll fantasies, chicks, rocking out and generally having a good time. If you’re looking for depth then have no fear. “...To the Rescue” is as shallow as a wading pool and as much fun as if you filled one up with beer and then chucked in a few bikini girls. Vocalist Lovegun sounds a bit like a rawer, edgier version of Nic Cester and guitarists JD and Flash Craig keep the catchy riffs pumping.

Rocksteady won’t win any awards for originality but they certainly know how to knock out some upbeat, fist-pumping rock songs. You could do far worse than check these party animals out.

  1. On Your Knees
  2. Welcome to Dumpsville
  3. Wish in One Hand
  4. Jack in a Box
  5. To the Rescue
  6. Untitled

Rating: 72%

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