Monday, September 1, 2008

VITAL REMAINS: Dawn of the Apocalypse

Released: 1999

Released within months of what many believed would see the beginning of the End of Days, Dawn of the Apocalypse sprawls across the extreme genre like a gigantic spider casting webs at everything that strays near and weaving them into a fine patchwork. From blasting torrents to darkly intricate passages often in the same song, Vital Remains leave no stone unturned in their quest to produce the most varied and intersting albums they can create, and this one is no disappointment.

With a bit of good old chanting to get underway it's cutting loose time when "Black Magick Curse" begins charting the way forward into Vital Remains' spectacularly creative death metal vision. Next is the massive title track which typifies the album: sprawling arrangements, bizarre time signatures and instrumentation, like th overlying acoustic parts which sound like there's two songs playing at the same time! There's moments like this scattered throughout, stunning little bits of innovation that make you sit up and take notice. As usual for these guys too, the songs go for a long, long time so even though there's only nine songs here you get about an hour's worth of listening and there's never a dull moment.

Abysmally sinsister vocals, enormous riffs and intricately interlaced song structures which are almost abstract at times makes Dawn of the Apocalypse another vital entry in the Vital Remains catalogue.

  1. Intro
  2. Black Magick Curse
  3. Dawn of the Apocalypse
  4. Sanctity in Blasphemous Ruin
  5. Came No Ray of Light
  6. Flag of Victory
  7. Behold the Throne of Chaos
  8. The Night has a Thousand Eyes
  9. Societe des Luciferiens
Rating: 89%

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